You can’t ignore having an Online Presence and sound Digital Marketing Strategy anymore! With our Customer Analysis solution, you will get Instant and Raw Google Insights direct from the minds of your customers.
If you ask 10 different individuals how they want to interact with a brand, and you’ll get ten different answers. There are roughly 5.6 billion Google searches every day, and more than 20% of those have never been seen before.
There may be multiple Reasons Why Customers Don’t Buy from You. Let’s face it. Running a new business is extremely challenging. It would help if you had every opportunity to attract potential customers to your business. However, customers are just not buying from you for some unknown reason. Why?

SMEs need to rethink and redesign their business with a focus on how to effectively understand the Digital Consumer’s Behaviour and effectively combat the Digital Competitor’s Behaviour. This is where The Company Doctor adds value to our SME clients. Partner with us and get Current Insights into your Customers, Competitors, and Operating Environment. Here are the 10 Possible Reasons why Customers don’t Buy from You.
Customer Analysis – Reason #1: You are targeting the wrong customers
Does your target customer have the ability to buy? Do they use the internet? Do they look on the internet for the product or service you offer? If the answer is ‘no’ to any of these questions, you target the wrong customer.
Customer Analysis – Reason #2: You offer suspiciously low prices
If your price is so low it is hardly unbelievable, it will make customers wary of buying from you. Customers understand that quality often costs more. They believe that prices that seem “too good to be true” are often just that. Avoid setting prices too low for your products or services.
Customer Analysis – Reason #3: You make it too difficult to order
The more steps you put between the customer and the completed order, the less likely the customer will complete the request. If the order form goes beyond three ‘clicks’, many customers will bail out and not bother ordering. If you require the customer to print out an order form, scan it, and email it, you won’t see many orders. Make the order process easy. Alternatively, be prepared to lose customers.
Customer Analysis – Reason #4: You make the customer wait too long
When a customer decides to buy, they want the product as quickly as possible. They do not want to wait days or weeks to receive the product, and they will be discouraged from ordering if you can’t ensure fast delivery. You can increase orders by including the phrases ‘immediate’ or ‘overnight’ delivery. We’ve got some insights into the Cost of Bad Service in the this article Customer Service – The Cost of Bad Service in South Africa.
Customer Analysis – Reason #5: Potential customers can’t find you
If customers can’t easily find your website using common search phrases entered on Google, there is little chance they will buy from you. To resolve this problem, optimise your web pages for high search engine visibility, and purchase Google Ads for keywords that potential customers are likely to search for.
Customer Analysis – Reason #6: Potential customers don’t believe you
If customers do find your web page but are immediately turned off by a design or sales approach that lacks credibility, they won’t buy from you. To build credibility, have a well-designed web page, have no misspelt words, no unbelievable claims, and include elements that increase credibility.
Customer Analysis – Reason #7: Potential customers don’t understand what you are offering
If you confuse potential customers, you lose potential customers. Craft your web message, so customers know what you are offering – and don’t require them to follow a maze or read 10,000 words to discover what your product or service is. Want to Save Time? Need the Services of a Time-Saving Business Consultant?
Customer Analysis – Reason #8: Potential customers see no compelling reason to buy
Is there a compelling reason customers should purchase from you? Without a compelling reason, the customer will likely postpone the decision until they find a compelling reason elsewhere. Offer one or more bonuses, free overnight shipping, or anything that gives the customer an immediate reason to purchase now.
Customer Analysis – Reason #9: You have a technical breakdown on your website
Does your order processing system (shopping cart) work properly? (Have you tried placing an order to see what happens?) Does your ‘contact us’ system work? (Have you tried it?) Does your email list work? (Have you tried it?) Failures in any of your website’s technical systems can be costing you orders. Be sure to test these systems yourself to see what your customers experience. When did you last test all these?
Have you ever dealt with a Difficult Customer? Here’s some advice – Difficult Customers 101: Dealing with 5 Types.
Customer Analysis – Reason #10: Customers aren’t looking for your product or service
Hard as it may be to believe, there is always a chance that customers aren’t interested in the product you are offering. Products do go out of style, and services do go out of demand.