Market Analysis
Partner with The Company Doctor and get the Latest Insights into the Online Behaviour of your Customers and Competitors. Industry Analysis on Steroids!
The COVID-19 pandemic forced many SME businesses to re-evaluate their business models, moving from the traditional “in-person” and “social” setting to “digitised brands” where they market and deliver their products and services via an online presence.
No longer can SMEs ignore having an online presence, which, given the current rapid move from the 4th to the 5th Industrial Revolution, would be a death sentence for those businesses that ignore moving their products and services online.
Watch this short explainer video to see how we can help you get invaluable Industry Analysis insights.
Learn how our team of Business Consultants can help you under the Online Behaviour of your Customers and Competitors, allowing you to make informed strategic decisions.
The Company Doctor plays its part in Enabling the Digitalisation of SMEs.
SMEs need to rethink and redesign their business with a focus on how to effectively understand the Digital Consumer’s Behaviour and effectively combat the Digital Competitor’s Behaviour. This is where The Company Doctor adds value to our SME clients. Partner with us and get Current Insights into your Customers, Competitors, and Operating Environment.
Important Questions...
Technological adoption of digital tools is especially beneficial for SMEs. However, as SMEs enter this vast Digital Ecosystem, they must answer the following questions to ensure their survival:
Who are our customers, and what can we learn from their online behaviour (Customer Analysis)?
Who are our competitors, and what are they doing to succeed online (Competitor Analysis)?
Market Analysis Solutions that provide tangible benefits.
To conduct a thorough Market Analysis, you need to cover various topics. Our Market Analysis Service looks at 3 very distinct components of any market:
They Asked for It – Now Give Them what they Want
You can’t ignore having an Online Presence and sound Digital Marketing Strategy anymore!
With our Customer Analysis solution, you will get Instant, and Raw Google Insights direct from the minds of your customers. If you ask 10 different individuals how they want to interact with a brand, you’ll get ten different answers.
There are roughly 5.6 billion Google searches daily, and more than 20% of those have never been seen before. They’re like a direct line to your customers’ thoughts.
We review the Top Keywords that your Potential Customers search for on Google. We then summarise every useful phrase and question people ask around your keyword.
It’s a goldmine of consumer insight you can use to create fresh, ultra-useful content, products and services. The kind your customers really want.
Our report uncovers rich, less crowded, and sometimes surprising areas of search demand you wouldn’t otherwise reach. Using our report findings and insights as part of your Digital Marketing and Online Strategy, you can increase the search potential of your company website and content through organic search.
In summary, this is the Value Proposition of our Customer Analysis solution:
- Meet your customers exactly where they are.
- Discover topics that your customers will love.
- Get into the mind of potential customers and see what questions they ask Google.
- Understand your audience and uncover customer intent across search and social media and identify new ways to rank.
- Optimise your Digital Marketing Strategy.
- Stop wasting time on gutfeel and guesswork.
- Fill your content calendar (fast) and say goodbye to writer’s block with endless content ideas based on meaningful keyword search.
- Streamline your content production.
- Identify content ideas without manually having to sift through individual keywords. Save days and even weeks of time.
- Make solid business decisions: take fewer risks.
- Get front row seats to what people are Googling — in real time — and use search data to make bold business-building decisions.
- Create relevant content that strikes a chord and drives more traffic, downloads, views and shares.
Remove the Veil on your Competitors’ Online Marketing Strategies
The Competitive Analysis section of your Market Analysis is essential. Knowing your competition is as important as knowing your product and your customer. Market gaps tell you where to develop your product or service, and internal weaknesses tell you where you’re vulnerable to losing customers.
A solid Competitive Analysis shows that you know exactly where you stand among your fiercest competitors — and that you have a way to out-manoeuvre them.
When gathering competitive intelligence in a digital marketplace, website traffic is a key metric to prioritise. Knowledge about competitors’ website traffic, digital marketing strategies driving traffic, and emerging trends can be game-changing assets for optimising your digital performance and accelerating growth.
For monitoring your competitors’ website traffic, our Competitor Analysis service will get the job done. Insights drawn from data about your competitors can help you outcompete them and earn more traffic. Study traffic to competitor websites and examine how those numbers have increased or decreased over time.
In summary, this is the Value Proposition of our Customer Analysis solution:
- Discover your competitors’ top performing keywords and reveal the freshest trending keywords from your industry.
- Generate new keyword ideas for your lists in an instant, based on trends, question queries and near-phrase matches.
- Discover keywords that are sending traffic to your competitors.
- Examine Traffic Trends across Time.
- Compare up to five competitors and see unique insights into their online behaviour, such as:
- Keywords where all of the entered competitors have a ranking (in the top 100).
- Keywords, where all of the entered competitors except for your selected site, have a ranking.
- Keywords where your site is ranking worse than your competitors.
- Keywords where your site is ranking higher than your competitors.
- Keywords where only your selected site has a ranking.
No Business Operates in a Vacuum – Risks and Opportunities can’t be Ignored
Our proprietary Strategic Tool is used for understanding market growth or decline, business position, potential and direction for operations. Our Strategic Tool consists of a library of statements that the prospective business owner must consider. Each statement is linked to a specific category. Prior to awarding a rating to each component, the user must firstly answer the question as to whether he/she agrees or disagrees with the statement. In answering each statement, the Strategic Tool will determine whether the statement is in fact an external environmental force that may impact the business.
For example, a statement under the category of ‘Economic’ may read: “The unreliability of electricity provision and periodic, unscheduled load shedding impacts my business”. If the user agrees with the statement, the ‘Tool’ will classify the statement as an external (economic) force. Subsequently, each potential external force must be rated by rank of importance. In evaluating the external forces, the following components are to be considered:
Importance shows how important each external force is to the prospective business owner in its industry as some might be more important than others.
Probability of occurrence is showing how likely the external force will have any impact on the business.
Importance multiplied by probability (Importance x Probability) will give a score by which a prospective business owner can prioritise all the external forces. The highest scores will be earmarked as the external forces of highest priority. Attention should primarily be given to forces that have the highest score. Our Analysis provides a client with a detailed report on the external forces with the highest priority that should be addressed by applying the relevant resources and strategies.
In summary, this is the Value Proposition of our External Environmental Forces Analysis solution:
- Take a deep dive into the environment in which your business operates by considering all external forces that have an impact on your business.
- Get an in-depth report from an experienced team of business consultants that will guide your next strategy session.
- Quickly identify the external forces that have the highest risk to combat and highest opportunity to pursue.
Our Unique Packages
Our service options are straightforward, with transparent pricing and clear features to you as our client.
General Check-Up
If you decide to Retain our Services for 6 months or more, we offer a 20% discount, with the full amount payable in advance.
- Get Insights of up to 5 Keywords
- Target 1 Geography (i.e. South Africa)
- Compare the Keyword Data over Time
- Get Insights of up to 5 Keywords
- Target 1 Geography (i.e. South Africa)
- 1 Detailed Monthly Report incorporating all the relevant Online Customer Behaviour Data
- 1 SEO-Optimised Blog Article with a Focus on 1 of your Keywords
- 1 Short Press Release that you can use to Promote your Product or Service to the Media
- 1 Short LinkedIn Post that can be used as status updates or promoted to get more engagement
- 1 Facebook Ad copy that make your ads truly stand out
- 1 Instagram Caption that turn your images into attention-grabbing Instagram posts
Explore your 5 Keywords from all Angles by Getting Insights into the Exact Questions People Ask Google.
Minor Surgery
If you decide to Retain our Services for 6 months or more, we offer a 25% discount, with the full amount payable in advance.
- Get Insights of up to 10 Keywords
- Target 2 Geographies
- Compare the Keyword Data over Time
- Get Insights of up to 10 Keywords
- Target 2 Geographies
- 1 Detailed Monthly Report incorporating all the relevant Online Customer Behaviour Data
- 2 SEO-Optimised Blog Articles with a Focus on 2 of your Keywords
- 2 Short Press Releases that you can use to Promote your Product or Service to the Media
- 2 Short LinkedIn Posts that can be used as status updates or promoted to get more engagement
- 2 Facebook Ad copies that make your ads truly stand out
- 2 Instagram Captions that turn your images into attention-grabbing Instagram posts
Explore your 10 Keywords from all Angles by Getting Insights into the Exact Questions People Ask Google.
Major Surgery
If you decide to Retain our Services for 6 months or more, we offer a 30% discount, with the full amount payable in advance.
- Get Insights of up to 15 Keywords
- Target 3 Geographies
- Compare the Keyword Data over Time
- Get Insights of up to 15 Keywords
- Target 3 Geographies
- 1 Detailed Monthly Report incorporating all the relevant Online Customer Behaviour Data
- 3 SEO-Optimised Blog Articles with a Focus on 3 of your Keywords
- 3 Short Press Releases that you can use to Promote your Product or Service to the Media
- 3 Short LinkedIn Posts that can be used as status updates or promoted to get more engagement
- 3 Facebook Ad copies that make your ads truly stand out
- 3 Instagram Captions that turn your images into attention-grabbing Instagram posts
Explore your 15 Keywords from all Angles by Getting Insights into the Exact Questions People Ask Google.
Our Market Analysis Process is not a once-off, off-the-shelve solution. Remember…
- Your customers’ behaviour changes constantly.
- Your competitors’ behaviour and intentions change constantly.
- Your environment in which you operate is not static and changes constantly.
As such, we provide a Monthly Pricing and strongly recommend that you sign-up for at least 6 months. With this said, we work on month-to-month basis and do not require you to enter any contracts.
Please note that our team puts in a considerable amount of time and effort in each of our Analysis Projects and do believe in establishing long-term relationships with our clients, where we can provide you with invaluable insights and content, month after month.
- R300 per Blog Article
- R100 per Facebook Ad copy
- R100 per LinkedIn Ad copy
- R100 per Instagram Caption
- R100 per Google Ad Title and Description
Please note that the External Environmental Forces Analysis is charged separately as a Once-Off Service.
Our Fee amounts to R1,999.00 per Company/Client.
Use our Insights to…
- Know Exactly what Questions your Customers ask Google
- Write New and Engaging Content to Answer these Questions
- Post Engaging Information to Social Media, your Blog, Website, and other Marketing Channels.
- Improve your On-Page SEO by Getting your Web Developers to Amend your Website Content and Keyword Focus.
- Prepare your Sales Team with Exact Customer Behavioural Insights
- Be Ready to Engage your Prospects Proactively by Knowing “What they Need”.
Use our Insights to…
- Get a Performance Overview of any Competitor Website with a Channel-by- Channel breakdown
- Traffic Acquisition (Direct, Referral, Search, Social or Paid)
- Traffic Sources
- Top Web Pages
- Engagement
- User Behaviour
- Market Overview with a List of Top Market Players
- Market Dynamics
- Industry Trends, and more.
Get in touch with us.
Our team of Business Consultants provide time-saving solutions to new and existing SMEs. Through our cost-effective solutions, we can bring your ideas to life.