Competitor Analysis: Don’t be Anxious! 11 Things You Need to Know to Win

In this article, we’ll show you how to conduct a Competitor Analysis so you can better understand how they’re competing and what you can do to improve your own business.
Customer Analysis: 10 Negative Reasons Why Customers Don’t Buy From You

Are you losing sales because of negative reasons? Check out our customer analysis solution to find out.
In 2022, Your Startup Dreams Should Focus on Time

Startup Dreams is the most beautiful and nerve-wracking part of a Startup Journey. But time is not always available to fulfil your Startup Dreams. Time is King. The nonsense you and I grew up with telling us that Cash is King is worthless.
Youth Entrepreneurship and 4 Critical Factors to Consider

Cultivating youth entrepreneurship is arguably one of the ways to improve our economy. Colour inside the lines, use your inside voice, always ask for permission, don’t talk to strangers, don’t talk when the grownups are talking, wait your turn in line.
7 Side-Hustle Ideas for Entrepreneurs Over the Age of 55

It’s possible to be a successful entrepreneur at any age. However, starting a side-business as you near retirement has unique advantages, including your years of experience, extensive professional network, and (upcoming) schedule flexibility.
8 Books on Word-of-Mouth Marketing You Need to Read

Word of mouth marketing is the oldest, most cost-efficient, and most effective way to create customers and grow any business. Research shows that word of mouth remains the most likely way that consumers make purchase decisions, and that effect is even stronger among younger consumers.
Are You a Lone Wolf? A Solopreneur…

Trying to do too much by yourself can be detrimental to your business. Being a one-man band or solo entrepreneur (‘solopreneur’) has tremendous advantages: you can set your own schedule, and create your own destiny without having to deal with the hassles of hiring or management.
There Is Never Enough Time!

Entrepreneurs must make important decisions on the company’s future, without neglecting the more banal responsibilities of keeping on top of emails and accounts.